Doctors Script Illustration

Heyday Healthcare Providers

Helping you Support Your Patients with Natural Therapies

Dr Jim Connell reading a medical journal, smiling and ready to help

Assisting you to incorporate natural therapies as an adjunct treatment to improve patient outcomes

We are doctors, mental health specialists, and nurses with deep expertise in natural therapies and personalised care.

Whether you are looking to introduce Heyday products into your medical toolkit, or refer a patient to our team of specialists, we are here to support you.

Refer to Heyday Clinic

Heyday Clinic is a trusted partner for General Practitioners and Specialist referrers working in psychiatry, neurology, rheumatology, chronic pain, cancer, palliative care and women’s health (amongst others). All of our doctors are also General Practitioners, and our Heyday Chairperson, Dr Andrew Wilson, is a senior psychiatrist and lecturer who supports our doctors working with patients with mental health and chronic pain problems. Dr Wilson is well respected in his field and has seen first hand the value of introducing natural therapies into patient’s treatment plans. 

We understand that natural therapies are not something that all healthcare providers want to, or can, prescribe themselves. We also do not believe that they are right for every patient - so we are happy to receive referrals or work in a shared care model that works best for the patient and you.  

If you would like to refer to our Clinic please get in touch.

Use Heyday Products in Your Practice

If you are working with natural therapies and would like to know more about Heyday products, or if you are interested in becoming an authorised prescriber for Heyday products, please get in touch. 
If you are new natural therapies, we can point you in the right direction for evidence based information on a range of topics through to nuanced clinical guidance on getting started. 

Feel free to get in touch with us.

Our Clinic is also available for a second opinion if you would like to refer a patient.

Join the Heyday Team

If you are a registered healthcare provider looking to work with natural therapies, please reach out for a confidential chat.  We’d love to connect. 

Why Heyday?

•Thorough on-boarding, training and ongoing education with some of the brightest minds in plant medicine.
• Clinical team roundtables.
• Competitive remuneration.
• Flexibility with working hours and patient load.
• Join us on your terms.
• Get involved in delivering our masterclasses and training the next generation of plant medicine specialists.

Get in Touch.

Ask us about our Clinic or Product range, get access to our educational resources, or just say hello.

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