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Dr Andrew Wilson

Dr Andrew Wilson


Andrew is the Heyday Chair and a cornerstone investor. Andrew is currently the Chief Executive Officer Health Services of ASX listed Medibank Private, and has over 25 years of experience in the health system as a psychiatrist (MBBS, MM, FRANZCP, FACHSE) and lecturer. Andrew is highly approachable, and brings deep commercial experience and clinical excellence to the Heyday team.


Dr Andrew Wilson

Andrew is a member of the Executive Leadership Team at ASX listed Medibank Private and was appointed Chief Executive Officer Health Services in May 2021. Previous to this, he had held the roles of Group Executive – Healthcare & Strategy since September 2016 and Executive General Manager – Provider Networks & Integrated Care since 2013.  Andrew is responsible for Medibank’s growing role as a broader health services provider. This includes responsibility for the health services it delivers on behalf of business and government including telehealth, virtual healthcare, in-home care, and services into residential aged care. Andrew is also responsible for Medibank’s hospital and primary healthcare investments and joint venture healthcare partnerships.

Andrew has over 25 years of experience in the health system and remains a practising psychiatrist and lecturer, with special interests in chronic pain, mood disorders and psychosis. He was a founder and co-president of McKesson Asia-Pacific, which was acquired by Medibank in 2010 and has had extensive experience working with early phase healthcare companies.

Andrew is a strong advocate for plant medicine, as one of the treatment options for many patients with mental health conditions, chronic pain and other difficult to treat conditions. He joined Heyday to help develop the high quality specialist clinical support that patients need.